
I guessed when you had loved someone for so long, it would take whole of your energy to undo it.

You used to see these visions, when both of you would make a perfect lovers. You could've had it.

When days are bled into nights.

The dreams came crawling to your back, promising what you once had.

I saw your faces in every cities I visited.

Made some notes that I wanted to see the world with you. That I long to feel the first hello from each country with the person I might never forget. 

I heard your laughs in every songs I listened dearly.

Remember how you used to tell me about your muse in every genres. That I couldn't tune in the same melody anymore, without thinking how the song meant for you.

I caught your gaze whenever I shut my eyes.

You used to be my person. And I used to be yours.

When exactly did it stop?

Was it when you didn't call my name like you used to?

Was it when the longing stares turned into an absent breath?

Or when both of us realized that the moon pulled another tide when the sun's not around?

Maybe I was in love with a dream that was never meant to be mine.

I thought you could never stop loving someone.

I almost wished for it.

How can I stop longing for you when you are exactly right there before me?

Surely there is no goodness in holding a free bird.

So I let you go.

I might be brokenhearted today. But one day I'll be bravehearted.

After all, sunset was not meant to be forever.

When the dusk fell, the dawn will come.

Over and over.

Until one day, my centerfold would not be about us anymore.

And I can see you beam without hurting me so much.

A short poetry for everyone who yearns their loved ones. Unrequitedly.


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