10 (Random) Things that Come in the Middle of the Night
Have you ever be wide awake while everyone is sleeping? Like, totally awake-can't-sleep mode?
Because I have. Few times.
Called it insomniac but I don't think so, 'cause it's not a habit or daily routines. No, God no.
Or maybe it's just that when your body was too tired you ended up find it hard to close your eyes. At the time, for me though, some of the most random things made appearances in my brain. Do you ever feel so?
1. What is the difference between Goose and Swan? These similar meaning for different words sometimes are just popping up in my mind. Really random lol. And I ended up taking my phone just to do the browsing.
2. Did I already turn off my laptop or just left it in sleep mode? I was actually thinking on how bad my laptop's performance would be if I keep this bad habit of leave it sleeping only.
3. Will I finish my yesterday's to-do-lists tomorrow or it's just an excuse to postpone them all 'til the deadline come?
4. If the Judgement Day's signs are truly shown up one by one so far, will I be among the last humankind generation on this earth? Or will my children? Grandchildren?
5. Taylor Swift is actually ever on this very 'midnight awake' mode and get up writing some incredible songs. Like, actually being productive. Anyway, get ready for her pop-rock album, Midnights at October 21st!
6. Will I actually finish my TBR list?? Like, the list is growing bigger, can't stop it though. Really really a lot of good and interesting books and so little time.
7. Is there actually a good man destined to become my life partner? Does he actually exist and have we ever meet before? Okay this sound so daydreamy, but the point is, I was thinking on how many disappointments I had for this kind of thing, and I think of as hopeless romantic as I am, I still believe in soulmate fate thing.
8. Thinking about how rude I was to certain people just because they made me upset or angry. Like, I should've not. I've been raised better than this.
9. The broken-up friendships. If I finally let go of my old friends, because they just don't try the same (to maintain our relationship of course), will make me a bad person? Like, I did put them in my 'close friends' category in my Insta story, but since we don't really talk anymore, let alone know how each others' doing, so I don't feel the connection again, and I start to remove them from the list, will make me a bad friend? I mean, I still love them, and I will make my time as best as I can for them, but when they don't give me the same, is it okay to finally let them go?
10. Actually I have only certain days before that audit coming. And yes this is only one of many examples on how easy my work tasks haunt me in the night lol.
Wow dude, you made it through these awful list. Thanks for keeping up with me. Let me know whether you also have weird random stranger things to think in the middle of the night, or maybe above things are actually quite common for everyone!
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