Hey guys! Ssup?
The days at the beginning of the year as these, tend to
increase vigilance for health. The
high rainfall and the spread of germs make us more susceptible to the cold or a
fever. So
keep your body healthy with eating a nutritious diet and regular exercise
(although I rarely do that hahaha)
Naah! Because
now’s the rainy season, it feels more comfortable staying in the house right? Just for warming
body and freshen up. What do you
usually do when you're relaxing at home? Watching tv, cooking, reading a
book? I
still prefer to read books, like novels and comic books. Especially
those that have the fantasy genre, detective, or a young adult novel-style. Lol
Lately I was absorbed in reading an import book that
caught my immediate attention in bookstores when I first saw it. FANGIRL, by Rainbow Rowell. Novel
that has genre of romance and campus backgrounds, covered with a bright green colour
with interesting illustrations (Amy typical style pair of young adults). Has anyone had ever
read it?

I'll share a few of some parts this exciting novel that has approximately 450
pages (be careful with spoilers !!! If you do not want to know most of the
contents of the novel is better not to continue reading this post !!!)
This novel tells about the life of a young girl who comes
from Omaha (an area in Nebraska, USA) named Cath, facing a period beginning her college with a
variety of challenges during the time she had feared. One
of them is, split with her twin, Wren, and live an independent life. Cath
is a figure of a girl who tends to be closed and absorbed in her own world. For
Cath, her world focused on writing stories, rather fanfiction, the fictional
character, Simon Snow (who is also a creation of the same author, Rainbow
all changed when her father sent her (and Wren, her twin-sister, of course) to
the University of Nebraska to continue the level of the course. There
she faced a lot of twists and turns the world of college begins with her
roommate, Reagan, who was older and had a character very opposite to her, her
classes for her major in English Literature, difficulty adapting to the
environment dorm or campus, and young couple age challenges (such as alcohol,
drugs, smoking, sex, et cetera). She’s
also demanded to part with Wren, since her twin sister decided to be apart from
her and started a new life in campus (and meeting new people without she,
Cath's dragging around). While
she also has thousands of her online friends who are always asking her to continue
her fanfiction about Simon Snow.
But she knew that she should not live forever isolated,
when her roommate's ex-boyfriend are often around her. This
young guy, Levi, differing only two years with her and he has a very pleasant
personality despite some difficult times as well Cath. Not
to mention with her classmate, Nick, a very handsome guy and wanted to write a
story to share with Cath. The
presence of two different men with different charisma that makes her daily ups
and downs.
Cath’s problems are not finished up there alone. Her
relation with Wren’s creating a gap between them. Besides
the presence of a sudden mother figure who has long left them, and their father’s
condition that is not really healthy also wiggle Cath’s life.
This teen novel is told in a language that is light and
contemporary. So
that makes the readers who are of age (over 17 years of course) can be carried
away and did not want to be separated to turn the next page. Through
words and crisp detail, Rainbow Rowell brings the power of "nerd"
inside Cath to change her own life as well as the views of people in surrounding.
is one of teenage novels recommended for you that I'll recommend it by myself
By the way, I've bought another novel by Rainbow Rowell,
novel was published first in comparison with this FANGIRL. But I have not had time
to read it over a page yet. I will make time to write the
review. Okay,
thank you for reading this short review. If
you have a recommended novel list, I would like to ask you to share it with me
haha. Well, take
care your health and do not forget to be happy!

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